Monday, April 7, 2014

Five Tips For...

In the beginning of the year, during first quarter we had a project titled Five Tips For. We were challenged to create a video that visually tells you five simple tips for anything of your choosing. So, my teammates and I decided that our Five Tips For video would be about staying healthy and living smart. In this video we showed that you could stay healthy by eating foods that are healthy and that you should exercise. We chose this topic because we wanted to show that its simple to live healthy and that anyone can do it.

Personally I think the video was good at showing these five tips, but there are some things that we could have improved on. For example we could have chosen our lighting better. As you can see, there are some parts where its quite dark and others where the lighting is pretty good. We could have also placed our text layovers better, but overall I think that for one of our first video projects it was pretty good. And if you would like to look at other G.T. students Five Tips For video and other G.T. videos you can click on this link.

1 comment:

Cute Ghost 5