Friday, September 19, 2014

Lessons Learned

As you know we are working on our Hiki No projects. My partners and I have chosen the topic of the effects of technology. I think the most interesting part of this is seeing how others think of technology. Everyone we have interviewed has had different opinions, for example we interviewed a parent who spoke of both the pros and cons of technology. Being that she is a mother she shared a few cons of how she thought it was a con exceptionally because, " I've noticed that children, young people, tend to spend a lot of time by themselves on a device instead of doing things together in groups or just going outside and hanging out. I think the main con of all this technology is this constant interconnectivity where its really hard to have downtime away from work or away from others that are not the main family because you're always accessible." - Bridget Collins. Though she believed this she also believed technology is a modern tool in society that is being used at work and at school. She also shared the thought that technology is helping and being used productively when needed.

Although I would like to say that this project has been going smoothly, I can't because we have hit roadblocks that we are still trying to overcome. One of the biggest road blocks we have faced is B-Roll. We all have different things we do after school and so we haven't been able to plan a day where we can all meet up and film outside of school. So, most of our B-Roll is filmed in school and in our classroom, but we needed to have more B-Roll outside of school. As a conclusion to this I took a camera home and tried to film some sequences applicable to our video. And filming by myself and having to be in the camera shot at the same time is harder than I thought it would be.

Personally I think planning is the most important part in the film process. Before you can go out and interview people or film B-Roll you need to know what you're going to say and do. If you don't know what you're going to say or do you will end up wasting your time and others time. So before you go out you must plan questions, ideas, and sequences. For one this will make it easier on you and others. Two it can help you think and add to your film. The planning will help you know and remember what needs to be done and how you will do it. And as long as you plan things out you will be able to know when you and those you work with can meet up and work productively.

1 comment:

  1. I like the background but I am pretty sure you have to take the photo.


Cute Ghost 5