Monday, November 24, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination?

People of all ages are struggling between the line of productivity and procrastination these days. Are you proactive or a procrastinator? I, myself am a procrastinator. Though, I like to make sure I have things done beforehand and even do extra, but when it comes to certain things, school, I tend to wait last minute when doing essays or bigger projects. I push work to the side telling myself I have time and I can do it later. For some people when they do this they really won't get it done, but doing this actually helps me more. I become more motivated to do this project than I would've been had I done it beforehand. I also run into other things that I need to do, when I'm home I have chores to do and sometimes I need to help with errands. So, I get distracted and end up pushing things to the side.

The amount of free time I have depends how proactive I am. Before the weekend comes I try to be as productive as I can, that way when the weekend rolls around I can do what I want. But, sometimes my free time gets taken away because of sports or extracurricular activities. This also pushes back on me getting my work done. Sometimes I don't get home till later and just want some time to myself without having to do any work.

Honestly, I would like to change my habits so that I can get my stuff done earlier. I want to try to do my work before I try to do or think about doing something else. Sometimes it's hard for me to stay focused and I end up switching halfway through doing one thing and going to another. I'm going to try to stay more focused with my work and make sure that when I say I'm going to do something, I do it. I will try my best to be more productive and stop procrastinating.

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